Monday, February 23, 2009

Update on Mom

I know there are a few folks who read this blog for the latest news on Mom's health, so I wanted to post an update today after our latest round of appointments.

She had her first visit with the oncologist last week, and that went fine. It was essentially just a typical "first visit," so nothing was decided--the doctor just went over what they knew at that point, and ordered a bone scan, which was done on Friday. The cancer seems to have originated in the lung, and had metastasized to her lymph nodes by the time of her intial diagnosis. And now, the results of the bone scan show that the cancer has, as we had feared, metastasized to her bones. The results of the scan showed "4 areas of uptake" in her ribcage, which essentially means it is present in 4 areas in her ribs. There is also cancer present in her spine--thorax, lumbar, and cervical bones.

We had an appointment with a pulmonologist today to discuss palliative treatment to control the fluid that will continue to build up in her pleural space due to the cancer in the lung. She goes into the hospital (Emory) tomorrow for a procedure that will require a 1 to 2 night stay--flowers would certainly cheer up the room, if anyone feels so inclined! She will first have an ultrasound to verify the presence of fluid, then have the fluid drained. After that, they will inject a talc inside the the cavity around her lung that will cover the exterior of the lung, creating an adhesive-like substance. This then creates a seal in the pleural space so that the fluid cannot accumulate, thereby keeping the lung from losing its "space" in the pleural cavity. The procedure is call a "pleuraldesis."

I keep hoping that one of these apointments will bring a ray of hope, but that's not happening. I am trying to keep my spirits up so that she will stay positive and strong, enjoying the time that she does have left. She wasn't having a good morning at all when I picked her up, and the bad news from the appointment about did her in. She was very down and sad. However, I went by around 2:00, and she seemed to be in a better place emotionally, and possibly even a bit better physically. I think for her, those two are very definitely connected. If we can keep her positive, enjoying the now, and as busy as she is comfortable being, then she will feel better and enjoy what time she has left more.

Prayers are continued to be appreciated, as are cards and other reminders that we are all holding her close in our hearts.


Kerri said...

prayers and more, jan

Anonymous said...

Thank you for keeping us posted, Jill.

Anonymous said...

My father-in-law had this talc inside the the cavity around the lung treatment (in his case, for congestive heart failure), and he experienced months long periods of relief with it. I believe it may have been experimental when he had it back in the 90s, but I know that it worked very well for him.
p.s. I don't know why some of my posts are showing up Anonymous, but I am

Ouida said...

I am thinking of you and your family. I am so sorry to hear of your mom's diagnosis and the spread of cancer. You are in my prayers.

With love,

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear y'all are stuggling so. I can only imagine what a difficult time y'all are experiencing right now. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Please continue to keep us posted.

Marci Glass said...

Thanks for taking time in the midst of this to give us updates. Sorry to hear this latest news. You all remain in our prayers.