Wednesday, February 11, 2009

My Sweet Mama...

We got the preliminary pathology results back yesterday on the fluid that was drained from her lungs, and the news is not good. The initial results suggest that it's advanced stage 3, probably stage 4, and that agressive treatment would be the only option. Obviously, any "treatment" would be palliative, not curative. Mom has initially said that she did NOT want treatment that would make her feel worse than the cancer does, so I'm guessing she will opt out. But we will wait to see what the oncologist says before we decide for sure. I'm sure the family will honor her wish, regardless of what it is.

My GUESS, based on knowledge of her history and reading between the lines when I was listening to the doctor, is that the initial cancer diagnosis will stem from somewhere else, and that it has metastasized to the lung. Not that it really matters at this point, but we should know more about that when we see the oncologist. Hopefully that will be late this week or early next week.

I am literally in shock. Please keep us in your prayers. Regardless of what we find out, and what she decides about treatment, the road ahead will be rough. The boys know she has cancer, but not the extent of it. We don't see any benefit to telling them how bad the prognosis is--we're just going to encourage them to treasure along with us the time we have left with her.

We still plan to leave for Costa Rica on Friday, and I pray it will be restful, restorative, and centering for all of us. It seems will we need it more than ever in the weeks and months ahead. I've been worried about from where the strength would come, but I am finding it through God's grace and the prayers of many. Thank you all.


LeeAnne said...

I am so, so sorry to hear this news.

You're in my heart honey. Know that you have our prayers each and every day. My greatest wish for you is for strength, courage and grace - all of which you hold in abundance.

Much love,

Anonymous said...

Oh, Jill,my heart hurts and I'm squeezing back tears. Prayers will follow you and your family as you go forward, one day at a time, along this stage of your journey.

May you experience God's comfort and preence when/where you most need to and perhaps, least expect to.

Shalom, friend,

Anonymous said...

I can't tell you how sorry I am to know that our worst fears are coming true.
Please just tell your mom and dad that we love them and ache with them over this.