Monday, March 30, 2009

Today's "Bread for the Journey"

Here is what the late Henri Nouwen (pictured at the right) tells us today in Smiles Breaking Through Tears. "Dying is a gradual diminishing and final vanishing over the horizon of life. When we watch a sailboat leaving port and moving toward the horizon, it becomes smaller and smaller until we can no longer see it. But we must trust that someone is standing on a faraway shore seeing that same sailboat become larger and larger until it reaches its new harbor. Death is a painful loss. When we return to our homes after a burial, our hearts are in grief. But when we think about the One standing at the other shore eagerly waiting to welcome our beloved friend into a new home, a smile can break through our tears."

1 comment:

Janet said...

Jill: in the hymn we sing at so many memorial services.. "For All the Saints Who from their Labors Rest"... this verse grabs me every time: "From earth's wide bounds, from ocean's farthest coast, Through gates of pearl stream in the countless host, Singing to Father, Son and Holy Ghost, Alleluia! Alleluia!" This mental picture of all of my loved ones gone before me, moving across this ocean, like on a voyage to their final destination, waiting to be met by their loved ones and our GOD, singing ALLELUIA, indeed says while we feebly struggle with life without them, they in glory shine! Alleuia! The peace of our Lord Jesus be with you all. Janet Thompson